Chicago Marathon


Well, I’ve finally arrived to Chicago for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. My second marathon for the year following the Pittsburgh Marathon in May. Even though I am coming into the Chicago Marathon with a recent injury I am more than ever excited and ready to complete this dream marathon.

The Chicago Marathon is one of the top, most sought after marathons in the United States, with thousands of individuals registering from all over the U.S. and the World. Due to its statue, many of the top runners and athletes come together to complete this course hoping to either get a PR (Personal Record) or to qualify for the Boston Marathon. With a mostly flat course running through all of the Chicago neighborhoods individuals are looking to run their best and enjoy all the great views Chicago has to offer along the course.

As for me, following my Pittsburgh Marathon time of 3:15, my PR thus far in the marathon world, I too am looking to set a new PR. Although I am overcoming a recent ankle/leg injury I do still believe I can set a new PR here in Chicago, but have also mentally prepared myself for a slower race if needed. I have done everything I can through my training, eating healthy, mentally preparing, and listening it my Coaches. All I can do now is relax, have a good time, and enjoy Chicago for all it’s worth. As for the weather, Sunday is expected to be in the low 50s at the start of the race and increasing to the high 60s by the end of the race, perfect marathon conditions if you ask any runner. The time has come, time to complete yet another marathon in another city. There is no looking back, only looking forward and embracing the whole experience as it comes.

Once again I encourage all of my followers and supporters to follow me on Twitter @TravisSmith09. There you can cheer me on, see how my progress is going, and know when I complete the race. Join me, support me, and run with me for the 2013 Chicago Marathon!

Chicago Marathon

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